The Western Episcopalian January 22, 1863 Page 118
“Events are God’s footsteps”—Bishop Chase
GAMBIER-On Friday evening last (January 16, 1863), under the auspices of the ladies of Gambier a Festival was held, in the Basement of Rosse Chapel, for the benefit of Christ Church at the Quarry. The mission chapel, the erection of which was commenced about one year ago, is now so far completed that except in the coldest weather it can be used for services. For the last month Sunday School and the Church Services have been regularly conducted in it; and on last Sabbath Bishop Bedell visited it, and baptized ten children. The plan of the edifice was furnished by the well known architect Mr. William Tinsley, of Cincinnati. But besides ornamenting the environs of Gambier, Christ Church will, we hope, be the means of drawing down God’s holy blessing upon this neighborhood. To contribute to the sum remaining to be provided for the completion of the Church, which is $348, the total estimated cost being $991—was the object of the Festival. The citizens of Gambier were generous in their encouragement of the enterprise; all the ladies labored assiduously and contributed bountifully in furthering it; and those charged with the responsibility of its management were especially earnest, energetic, and capable.
The room in which the Festival was held, was handsomely decorated, and the several tables were elegantly arranged and ornamented by the fair hands of those in charge of them. A most pleasing spirit prevailed among those present. All were interested in the success of the ladies, and their laudable enterprise; and every one desired to entertain everyone else. Bishop and Mrs. Bedell were present, as usual had kind words for everyone. The atmosphere of Christian friendliness and kindness which they always carry about them, and to their generous patronage much of the evening’s success was due.
Owing to the bewitching influence and charming wiles of the ladies who presided at the various tables, the excellence and elegance of the arrangements, and the general interest in Christ Church, the Festival was a complete success. Everything was sold, all were well pleased, and from the lips of everyone came compliments for the ladies of Gambier. The total proceeds were $125.80; the expenses only $2.50; and the net profits $123.30.
DELTA DEEP SNOW-Gambier was visited on Thursday last (January 15th, 1863) with the deepest snow ever known here. The oldest inhabitant could not remember a fall of snow, lying 20 inches on a level. Our whole community is indebted to Mr. William Fish for his ingenuity in contriving a horse snow plough and for his energy in using it. In the course of the morning he cleared a path three feet wide, along the main avenue from Seminary to College, and in all directions through Gambier. To these efforts we were no doubt largely indebted for the crowded attendance on our Festival.
Courtesy of the Kenyon Archives, Lydia Shasan transcriber